The School of Nuring is one of the 16 schools and colleges of University of South China.
Located in Hengyang, Hunan, USC is a public institution of higher education with 65 years of history. Now it is co-funded by the Government of Hunan Province and the National Health Commission, and other four ministries of the country.
SON has two four-year undergradute programs, Nursing and Rehabilitation Therapy
The nursing education in USC dates back to the early 1970s, when the first batch of candidates for sub-college education program were enrolled in the former Hengyang Medical College, one of the predecessors of today's University of South China. The full-time undergraduate program of nursing science for the bachelor degree began in 1999, and the graduate program for the master degree in 2014.
Founded in 2000, the school has now 1155 undergraduates and 269 postgraduates under the mentorship of the 40+ full-time teachers and professors in the school and about 80 part-time teachers and tutors from the seven affiliated hospitals.
In March 2024, the four-year undergraduate program Rehabilitation Therapy was approved by MoE.
Over the past years, the school has been actively engaged in international communication. Scholars and professors from overseas universities such as University of Calgary, the University of West Scotland, the University of South Wales have been invited to the school for teaching and research, while scores of teachers and students have studied abroad.
We are ready to work together with the best and brightest for a shared future in health.
Dean:Ms. LI Zhongyu
email: lizhongyu@usc.edu.cn
co-dean: Mr. YUAN Chunyang
email: ycy@usc.edu.cn
vice dean: Ms. ZENG Guqing (research and graduate education )
email: zengguqing@usc.edu.cn
vice dean: Ms. WANG Xiang ( students affairs)
email: wangxiang@usc.edu.cn
vice dean: Ms.Wang Rong (undergraduate education )
email: wangrong@usc.edu.cn
asst. dean: Mr. WU Fei
email: wufei@usc.edu.cn
school secretariat: Mr. Liu Liangzhuan
phone 86-734-8281344
email: LiuLiangzhuan@usc.edu.cn
Hongxiang Campus
28 West Changsheng Road, Hengyang, Hunan, China 421001
2024: the four-year undergraduate program Rehabilitation Therapy approved by MoE
2023:Nursing for gynaecology and obstetrics listed as the first-rate off-line Courses by the MoE.
2021: Goldwinner of the tenth national college students contest in clinical Skills for nursing (top 4 ) (/info/1033/4944.htm)
2019:undergraduate program of nursing listed by the MOE as one of first-rate program in construction.
2018: the undergraduate program of nursing accreditated by the National Health Commission of the People's republic of China.
2014: launched the postgraduate program of nursing.
2008: the undergraduate program of nursing listed as one of the key undergraduate programs by the Enducation Department of Hunan Province.
2000: the School of Nursing founded.
1999: began the five-year full time undergraduate program of nursing with bachelor degree in medicine, then modified to four-year program in 2005, with bachelor degree in science
1985: the beginning of nursing education for advanced levels.
1973: the beginning of nursing education for intermediate level.
(updated: Nov 28, 2024)
学院办学特色突出。学院坚持“思想铸魂、专业强基、人文傅彩”的育人理念,以学生的发展为一切工作的出发点和落脚点。一是实施“三全育人”工程。建立本科生导师制度,坚持开展爱心文化教育,倡导爱心实践,用爱心铺就育人路。二是着力培养复合人才。针对本科生开设了“专业+X”双学位班:成建制开设“护理+英语”双学位班、“麻醉护理”班,鼓励支持学生辅修语言文学、工商管理、法学、医疗大数据等专业。三是加强学院文化建设。构建了以。院训、院徽和院歌为基本要素的学院文化,倡导“精勤慎独 仁爱尚美”,启智润心,以文化人。
地址:中国 湖南 衡阳 常胜西路28号 邮编:421001
电话0734-8281344 邮箱:hulixy@usc.edu.cn